One of the hardest things about getting your ideal body is cutting fat afterwards without losing muscle in the process. That's why many guys just remain bulky after they decide to stop working out. The process of bulking up by lifting weights and eating properly is straight-forward once you work it out, but the fat cutting process is a bit more involved. Having said that, there are good fat cutting programs out there online that come free with muscle building programs. Here is what you should look out for in a good fat cutting program.

1. Explanation of how to cut fat

This is pretty obvious. A lot of people still think that cutting fat is the same as losing weight. It's totally different. Losing weight can be unhealthy, since you're purposely starving your body of calories it needs. That's what you typically do in diets and the weight you lose is actually muscle. Your body hangs onto fat deposits for dear life since a diet is the same as survival mode for it. Cutting fat is all about having a higher calorie output than input. That's the basis of cutting fat and a good fat routine will flesh out this simple rule.

2. Have an explanation of nutrition involved

This is naturally an extension of the theory for cutting fat. You absolutely have to talk about the biochemistry involved with cutting fat, ie. the carbs, fats and protein involved in a diet. Then it should go a step further than that and give an example meal plan based on this information. One of the hardest things about cutting fat is eating. You don't want to put the fat you're losing back on by eating improperly.

3. Have an exercise program for cutting fat

This should cap off the fat cutting program: the actual exercise you do. This, combined with the meal plans done properly will help you cut fat. Like muscle building exercises, the exercises you do should have rest, reps and sets. The way that these fat cutting exercises are structured is usually so that anyone can use them. If you did the exercises by themselves, with no regard to meals, you should still lose weight is from the fat you're burning, but you might lose muscular weight too.

All in all, a good fat cutting program explains the process of cutting fat, talk about how and what you eat to maintain your muscle while burning fat and finally the exercises required to physically burn the fat. A reminder than they're not worth buying, since you can get them with a good muscle building package that helps you bulk and cut afterwards.

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