Gas prices have gone down but it is just a matter of time before they go back up, you can count on that now that the election is over. So, how do you build a hydrogen generator to save on gas? I'm glad you asked, read on.
I think everyone would agree that it is impossible for the average guy or gal to create hydrogen fuel out of water. It's just too complicated and expensive. However, anyone can create a gas out of water known as HHO that will readily burn when you combine it with the fuel you already use. The question is, how...
It is very simple really. All you need to do is apply a small amount of electricity to water and you will create a process known as electrolysis. This process will separate the hydrogen from the oxygen in the water to form two bonded atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen or HHO, also known as hydroxy.
This gas is then captured and added to the atomized fuel you already use, not only cooling the vapor, but drastically increasing the surface area. This increase allows for a more complete combustion and therefore increased gas mileage.
The system you use to create this gas is easy to build and inexpensive as well. All you need is a good guide to show you how. You can build your own hydrogen generator to save on gas for under $65 and over the course of a single weekend.
Now, the oil companies and the government do not want you to do this, at least that is what the experts in this field are saying. As proof of this, the largest search engine in the world banned the advertising of these manuals even though their is undeniable proof the hydrogen generator actually works.
There are thousands upon thousands of testimonials all over the web, even before gas prices shot up so high last year. You will also fond those that say it is a scam but you will notice they only pooped up over the past year and are trying to sell some fuel saving device of their own. Do your own homework and find out what really works.
Gas prices will go back up and you need to be ready with your own home made hydrogen generator!
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