The business of newspapers has changed beyond recognition with the advent of the internet; the lucrative local classified ads sales that generated most of the revenues for a traditional newspaper have dried up, or moved to the Internet.
If you are trying to advertise your business, getting classified ads that work for you has gotten more difficult. It hasn't gotten impossible, but it has gotten harder. When looking for venues to place classified ads, look closely at what publications still have them, and whom you target.
A typical weekly alternative paper still has a classified ads section, but you should keep in mind the reader base. Another venue that sells classified ads in its print edition is the satirical paper The Onion. The key common point on this is that you are going to be promoting your business to twenty somethings who are full of snark and short on cash, not to upscale socialites. Related to this, some college campuses still have newspapers, and those often carry classified advertising, though their rates are high, and there is a greater degree of editorial arbitrariness to them.
Online venues for classified ads boil down to Doubleclick, AdSense, Google AdWords and Craigslist; all of these have their respective ups and downs; Doubleclick is the least expensive to get into, Google AdWords is the industry leader, and Craigslist is very nearly free but hits many of the same classified targets as print advertising does.
Nationwide classifieds papers, like The Daily Nickel and Car Trader are also places to place classified ads, and many pulp magazines covering different genres (like Analog Science Fiction & Science Fact, or Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine) are good for putting classifieds targeted at specific demographics based on reading patterns. These are good for doing ads targeted at people who read but you may want to think twice before advertising a passive income Australian Two Up money making scheme.
Other places to place classified ads for a local reach are in church and local non-government organization circulars; many churches will let parishioners place ads; if you have friends who go to church, they may be willing to do some for you.
The ultimate goal of this is to find ways to put your business web site up before the eyes of potential visitors, even when they're not online. Be creative in this, and be patient. The usual response rate for a classified ad is often around two in one thousand; it takes time, and it takes several impressions to get a solid response back from this sort of advertising.
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