If you are still working great! A lot of people have suddenly found themselves laid off, without a job and with little or no notice. If you are employed now is the time to create an Emergency Job Bailout Kit. So if you are riffed - you will be prepared. Here's some steps you need to take now! These steps will help you find a new job fast and even if you don't need a job these actions can put you in a great position in case you decide to change places of employment.
1. Update your resume! Most of my clients haven't updated their resume in years. Take the time now to add dates and job descriptions about your current job.
2. Collect any positive job reviews, awards, achievements anything that shows the value you can bring to an organization.
3. Make a list of any new training you have completed.
4. If you don't belong to any professional organizations, now is the time to join. They look good on a resume and they can be a great source of job leads. Most companies will pay all or some of the membership fee.
5. Ditto civic organizations. Get involved, volunteer to chair a committee. Some of my best networking was done at a local Lions Club.
6. Take a course at the local college. Most community college offer weekend classes, great places to upgrade your skills.
7. Collect names of all your business and social contacts. Send them an email just to say hi and share information.
8. Identify placement companies (headhunters) who specialize in your profession and send them a resume (confidential). Don't expect them to call you back. They are swamped right now and typically only call if they have something.
9. Make a list of companies like yours and the names of their top executive in your field, ie: vice president of sales, comptroller, director of human resources, etc. This can become your go to list if the worse happens.
10. Finally do everything you can to be an irreplaceable asset to your current company. More on this in another article. But you want to be the employee who your boss will say I can't loss her/him they're to valuable.
Good Luck! I hope these tips will help you create a job bailout kit. I certainly hope you never need it, but like fire insurance it's important to have. In today's economy you just don't know if or when you might hear these words "Sorry we are laying you off."
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