As a parent it is your responsibility to inform your children what is dying and death. Yes, it is a difficult topic to talk about but the concept should be explained to children. Most children might already know about death and dying because of television programs or video games. But before a child experiences death like losing a pet, he should be explained about death.
How to Explain Death to Children:
One of the main things that you have to do is to ensure that you keep the concept of death and dying simple. Although most children already know more or less about death and dying but they do not understand the real meaning of it.

When explaining to children, make sure that children understand the cycle of life. When your child's pet dies, make sure that you give the pet a proper funeral. Make sure that you persuade your child to talk about their feelings about losing his pet. One thing is important that you take care not to lie about what death and dying is because when your child figures out what death is, he will be very upset with you for telling him lies.

This does not mean that you should wait until your child loses a pet to explain about death. In fact, you should ensure that your child already knows what death and dying is so that when he is faced with death, it does not come as shock.

Explaining death to children is difficult but you should make an effort to help them understand the concept so that they are equipped with the knowledge when the need arises.

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert senior care. She also offers top quality tips like :

How to Plan Funeral Service, Example of Funeral Resolution

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